Friday, March 02, 2007

Error Mesages

The procedure failed with the following error: The command completed successfully.

Not enough memory to display this dialog.

Error: Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue.

Your mouse is not working, please click here to acknowledge.

Cannot delete tmp150_3.tmp: There is not enough free disk space. Delete one or more files to free disk space, and then try again.

Unexpected error, quitting.

What makes this entry, found in Internet Explorer 4.0, is the attached comment:

An Internet error occurred.

Submitter Jeffrey Schmitz writes: "Yeah, right, Bill, the Internet is broken and Internet Explorer is working perfectly."

Windows has found an unknown device and is installing a driver for it.

When using Windows 95 with a Compaq Computer Corp. Presario:

Your system shell has changed. The Compaq software will work with your new shell, but the new shell will not work with your Compaq software. Do you wish to keep your Compaq software working? Click yes if you are unsure.

Error 0000: No errors found, restarting computer.

And finally, the grand-prize winner:

You need to supply a fax number in order for your request not to receive fax notifications to be processed.