Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Me Too!

Mira :
I just overheard my friend asking to our office boy to bring her some chocolate chips, and I, because of at the time I was reading this Id-en which make me strangely thinking in English, asked him too : "me too...!!". Then I am suprised. Despite bring me delicious chocolate chips can, he gave me a tube of wet tissues. Mitu.


Heri :
Nyari donlen harus tegas, jangan malu-malu..

Fahmi :
tapi mesti malu2in

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Arjuna :
are you nuts?

Dodolbesi replied :
I am a human

Friday, September 08, 2006


Markum :

Gimana cara ekspor access ke mysql?

Faisal :

Gampang banget
Coba telpon perusahaan pengiriman barang
Mudah kan